For the wires I made a conduct to connect that cell button batteries.Finally, the inverter for E.L is inside the midsole, encapsulated to avoid water/dust/shocks and save space.When inject the urethane to the midsole mold, previously I inserted the Micro sized inverter... well I explain in detail when I post the midsole project, in a few weeks (I hope).
First I tweak the piece and modeled a holes for the future cell buttons.That pic is the RTV mold.
Testing the piece.(note: that cell button isnt the batterie size required¡¡The exact cell buton is:(panasonic VL-lithium 3032, 3V,100Mah.
You notice the black plug to charge the button cells.Is necesary to made a drill
and put inside that hole.
And see the video, explain all the process to obtain one copy in Polyurethane Elastomer.That compound is rigid, light(about 60 grams¡¡¡) and absorb shocks ,and abrassion perfectly.
Only remain two midsoles and four soles....count down for that pieces!!!!.
Untitled from manu R on Vimeo.